I've been working really hard lately in all aspects of life.
Game Development has gone through a few bricked projects. Lost progress in some areas and made progress in others. As for the game itself, I have all of the basic mechanics of a platformer. Jump, double-jump, float, crouch, attack, holster/equip, block, and even lock-on targeting. All of it is very janky and all of it will be tweaked and improved. I'm currently working on creating an inventory system and a basic quest system. Tons of things are planned for future versions but the goal is to have a prologue/demo out in December so I can get feedback while expanding on all the systems and story. All of the visuals in the video are placeholders
In addition to the game development, I've created a live-space for myself on Twitch.tv, a YouTube to upload random things that make me happy and progress videos, a Ko-Fi for easier/more centralized ways to financially support me if you ever feel inclined, and a Discord I may give out at a future date if it seems fitting.
Other than getting the demo out. My next goals are to upgrade my PC/workspace and hire an animator for models and anime cinematics.
Wish me luck!
All will blossom in time!
By that I mean I'm a sloth. A narcoleptic stuck in a dozen acres of molasses.
I'm Mana and I love creation.
I'm currently working to develop an N64-inspired soulslike game using Unreal Engine 5. If you have any experience in demaking games, retro 3D-modelling, or Unreal Engine and would like to help, please don't hesitate to reach out. I could use any sort of expertise or assistance!
While you're here, check out the Collective. It's just a handful of cool people way more talented than me.
Thanks for stopping by.
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If you're looking to help support me, please visit the talented individuals in the top left navigation. They're awesome. If you'd like to support me financially, please click the button below. Thank you!